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Fudge Enclosure - Orion Rises

Orion Rises in the East  by Carol Hicks
Orion Rises

Orion Rises
Sunset December 20, 55 CE

To many Native American tribes, the constellation Orion was known as "The Hand." The three stars of Orion's belt formed the severed wrist; it was often shown in pottery with an eye in the middle of the palm, or an ogee. The ogee was a symbol of Orion's Nebula, or Nebula Messier-42. This was thought to be a portal that opened to the Milky Way. Here we see the alignment with the Fudge site's eastern gate after sunset. During the night, the constellation will move across the dome of the sky into position where in early morning it will be in place for the souls to continue the journey.

Map showing Orion rising
Map showing postion of Orion

© 2024 Carol Hicks - Contact contact me or Dr. Greg Little for use of these images.